New Haven On the Cheap

Like most cities, New Haven provides plenty(ish) of cultural and entertainment options. But with those things comes a price. Typically, in gold doubloons or whatever people are using for money these days. (I think maybe Apple controls money now?) Sure, I love Yale Repertory Theater, but it’s $92.00 for a seat. NINETY TWO DOLLARS. Even … Read more

My Favorite Almost-New Haven Places

Listen, Readers. I would never, ever urge you to leave New Haven. There’s nothing for you out there. Everything you need in this world… is right here. Unless you count reasonably-priced grocery stories, a decent hardware store, or anywhere to dance to EDM. But let’s say you wanted to explore beyond New Haven, for some … Read more

Every Kind of Weirdo You’ll Meet in New Haven

One of the reasons I love New Haven is its diversity. Not only is New Haven the most representative example of America, but we have literally every kind of weirdo you can imagine. Elbow-patched Yalies? Oh yeah. Punk rock townies? Absolutely. Publicly intoxicated drunks rambling about the government? Definitely. Unlike New York City, where they shovel … Read more

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