Four perfect spots to kayak in New Haven

As the quarantine almost enter its fifth month, I felt really down and cabin fever was starting to get to me. So I decided to dust off my inflatable kayak and headed off to East Rock park. After my afternoon in the sun, paddling on the glistening water among cranes, turtles, and the occasional fisher-persons, … Read more

How To Help During The Coronavirus

Hey New Havenites,

I know everything about COVID-19 has been scary. There’s a lot of uncertainty in the world right now and I know you all have questions.

“How long is this going to last?”

“Why won’t my company let me work from home yet?”

“When can I go enjoy New Haven now that the Yalies are gone for a while?”

Unfortunately, I don’t have THOSE answers, but I do have answers to another question I’ve been hearing a lot lately:

“How can I help?”

This is the kind of energy we need right now.

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Episode 29: Love & Journalism

Lucy Gellman (Arts Paper) and Thomas Breen (New Haven Independent) join us to talk about journalism in New Haven, how arts are represented in the media, as well as who our favorite (and least favorite) candidates are. Available on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, or here:

New Haven to Hartford: A CTrail Adventure

If you’ve ever argued with me on reddit (and you probably have), you know I’m a huge proponent of public transportation. I ride my bicycle to work. I take the bus when it rains. I’m a huge fan of trains and Connecticut’s push for CTrail. I’ve never had a compelling reason to take the new(-ish) … Read more

L(ea/i)ving New Haven

I am writing this article in the middle of the Atlantic ocean, flying away from New Haven. I used to feel excited every time I left town. After all, when you ask people why they love New Haven, they often yell at you for liking the wrong pizza… But close after that, they say they … Read more

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