New Haven to Hartford: A CTrail Adventure

CTrail Opening Ceremony

If you’ve ever argued with me on reddit (and you probably have), you know I’m a huge proponent of public transportation. I ride my bicycle to work. I take the bus when it rains. I’m a huge fan of trains and Connecticut’s push for CTrail. I’ve never had a compelling reason to take the new(-ish) … Read more

Going Car-less in New Haven

Two weeks ago, I learned a lesson many teenagers across this wonderful nation learn every week: Your car definitely needs oil. I actually already knew that. But time has a funny way of getting away from you and the next thing you know that’s kind of a weird smell, is there even any oil in … Read more

New Haven Must Lead Connecticut’s Future

City of the Future

If you’ve been under a rock for the last few years, you might’ve missed the bad news: Apparently, Connecticut is a post-apocalyptic wasteland from which there is no escape from taxes, regulations, and unfunded pension liabilities. There are literally dozens of articles about it. But fundamentally, there are a few things building a sort of … Read more

New Haven Unveils Bike Share

Have you ever thought to yourself: Gosh, I’d LIKE to ride a bike to Mecha Noodle, but then I’d need some kind of bike lock and my bike would probably get stolen by teenagers, and then I’d have to buy a new bike, and what, am I made of bicycles? No, you are not. You are … Read more