New Haven: serving European terraces minus the rude French waiters

Picture this scene: It is a warm summer day. The crowded terrace of a café is overflowing and coffee drinkers are slowly fusing with the lunch eaters of the next door restaurant terrace. The waiters zigzag through the densely packed tables to provide all sorts or summer treats while keeping an eye on the terrace … Read more

Me and the Dirt Bikers

It’s springtime, so, once again, young men’s minds turn to dirt biking on the streets of New Haven. I’m a bit of an expert on this phenomenon because I had a too-close encounter with a gang of New Haven’s dirt bikers—yet emerged relatively unscathed. First, Some Background Last fall, I was months into shooting a … Read more

Dear New Haven Parking Authority

In one months’ time I’ll be moving from delicious smelling Wooster Street to the greener pastures of East Rock – the land of hipster gyms, hair studios and strict residential parking. In my time living on the boulevard of thin crust I’ve experienced some… transgressions, if you will. A constant injustice. Not to do with … Read more

Re-Districting New Haven

I had this idea recently, and like most of my ideas, it isn’t very good, and yet I feel compelled to do it anyway. So let’s re-district New Haven according to my bizarre vision. Oh, sure, there was a time where you could get by using archaic terms like Westville and Downtown, but where’s the fun in … Read more

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