How New York Made Me Appreciate New Haven

I spent a month living in Bushwick, a neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York. It was an experiment. I’ve lived in Connecticut my whole life. A feeling of stagnation was growing inside of me. I craved change in my life. New beginnings. New locations? But before I upended my entire life, and dealt with all of … Read more

Five Spooky Things About New Haven


Happy Halloween, everyone! I hope you all got your human costumes on! Despite the rain, Halloween must go on, as the old saying goes. And you know how Baby Boomers will make us sit through 30 new think pieces about how kids are weak these days if god forbid we move Halloween over a single … Read more

Me and the Dirt Bikers

It’s springtime, so, once again, young men’s minds turn to dirt biking on the streets of New Haven. I’m a bit of an expert on this phenomenon because I had a too-close encounter with a gang of New Haven’s dirt bikers—yet emerged relatively unscathed. First, Some Background Last fall, I was months into shooting a … Read more

Exploring Empty Spaces in East Rock

Let’s face it. Many aspects of American society that characterized the last century are disappearing. Malls, department stores, and factories are all being left to decay as we turn towards other means of acquiring and producing products. And our lovely town of New Haven is no exception — abandoned factories and warehouse can be found … Read more