How New York Made Me Appreciate New Haven

I spent a month living in Bushwick, a neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York. It was an experiment. I’ve lived in Connecticut my whole life. A feeling of stagnation was growing inside of me. I craved change in my life. New beginnings. New locations? But before I upended my entire life, and dealt with all of … Read more

Celebrate Earth With Rock to Rock 2021!

East Rock

Rock to Rock is one of the annual events which makes New Haven special. It’s an Earth Day Ride that originally began as riding your bike from West Rock to East Rock while raising money for charity. This year, there are 25 nonprofits trying to raise money and every single one of them is working towards a noble goal, often inspired by the environment.

Life and Near Death in the Bike Lane

Bike 2 Work

If you’ve ever wanted to feel alive, then strap in and get down with everyone’s favorite death-defying activity in New Haven: riding bicycles. You haven’t truly lived until you’ve had a car slam on its breaks mere inches before slamming into you because, for whatever reason, New Haven drivers think of red lights as suggestions. … Read more