Episode 28: New Haven Comedy

Fistful of Jokes owner Andrew Morgan joins Shawn Murray and Josh to talk about the New Haven comedy scene, whether New Haven could support a comedy club, and who he wishes he could get to come to New Haven. Also available here: https://share.transistor.fm/s/9d7e123b

What We Talk About When We Talk About New Haven


The first time someone asked me a ridiculous question about New Haven, I was twelve years old and at a state-wide middle school band competition, oiling the valves of my trumpet before rehearsal. Upon learning where I was from, the boy with whom I shared a music stand turned to me and asked, “Do you … Read more

Episode 27: Josh Levinson

Shaina Hotchkiss joins Colin Ryan in a very special episode interviewing the creator of Between Two Rocks, Josh Levinson. We talk about breakups, being single, comedy, generational trauma, depression, and what Josh’s favorite joke is. Available here: https://share.transistor.fm/s/a67581dc

The Plastic Bag Tax is Working

Plastic Waste in Dump

I was standing in line at Walgreens yesterday, and per the usual Walgreens policy, one disinterested teenager was serving seven or eight customers waiting impatiently in line. Then, the most extraordinary, beautiful thing happened. Each and every customer said no to plastic bags. Some of them had their own reusable bags. One lady pulled plastic … Read more

Episode 26: MakeHaven

JR Logan from MakeHaven joins us on a brand new episode of the podcast! We talk about all of the fabulous injuries you can get at MakeHaven, and I guess some of the neat toys they have as well! Plus Josh spreads Instagram rumors for no reason. Co-host: Colin Ryan

Five Spooky Things About New Haven


Happy Halloween, everyone! I hope you all got your human costumes on! Despite the rain, Halloween must go on, as the old saying goes. And you know how Baby Boomers will make us sit through 30 new think pieces about how kids are weak these days if god forbid we move Halloween over a single … Read more