Episode 38: Hive Hair Studio

A new episode of the podcast features the owners of the Hive Hair Studio! We talk everything hair, and it mostly devolves into making fun of Josh. Available on Stitcher, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, etc. Direct link for Newsletter subscribers: https://share.transistor.fm/s/f12d99bd

Episode 36: Home Sweet Home

Josh Podcast

Josh returns home after a month in Brooklyn. Shawn almost usurps the podcast. Colin remains Colin. We talk about New York City vs New Haven and what it means to be home. Direct link for Newsletter: https://share.transistor.fm/s/0961c0f9 Quick poll: Do you want to be notified via the website when new podcast episodes are released or … Read more

How New York Made Me Appreciate New Haven

I spent a month living in Bushwick, a neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York. It was an experiment. I’ve lived in Connecticut my whole life. A feeling of stagnation was growing inside of me. I craved change in my life. New beginnings. New locations? But before I upended my entire life, and dealt with all of … Read more

New Haven: serving European terraces minus the rude French waiters

Picture this scene: It is a warm summer day. The crowded terrace of a café is overflowing and coffee drinkers are slowly fusing with the lunch eaters of the next door restaurant terrace. The waiters zigzag through the densely packed tables to provide all sorts or summer treats while keeping an eye on the terrace … Read more